MapMyRun | Log Workout Relaunch


Under Armour | MapMyRun App


Lead Product Designer


1 Quarter (Concept -> Feature Launch)


Redesign MapMyRun’s Log Workout feature to better reflect Under Armour’s style. Aligning with UA more closely will reflect consistency that will build trust and extend into UA story-telling and loyalty.

  • Redesign color and UI to align with UA branding

  • Build true components from a design and engineering prospective for ease of future development

  • Make input fields more seamless, and understand input edge cases (IE if a user saves zeros)

  • Asses iOS and Android date, time, number field pickers

  • Understand which input fields are required for each activity type and prioritization levels

  • Make privacy settings consistent with UA

  • Push Gym Workout users to our Workout Routine feature


I led the design of the Log Workout experience between October 2022 and December 2022.

In addition, I worked alongside a Product Manager and worked closely with 2 iOS and 2 Android Engineers and helped VQA both builds.

The feature launched globally on both iOS and Android April 2023.



  • Activity Type positioning is confusing since this selection changes the default data

  • More seamless and up-to-date Date and Time pickers that make sense for each user input

  • Buried Additional Stats, which stats are important for each activity type?

  • Color scheme does not match UA branding





Building a Design System

Creating Parent Activity Types

  • We pulled from the existing 6 parent activity types and ultimately landed on condensing to 5 parent activity types: Run (route and GPS compatible), Indoor Run (non GPS based), Biking, Swimming & Gym Workout

  • We carefully identified which stats are the most important for each activity type by speaking to athletes in the respected areas

  • Made each unit Metric and USCS compatible. Except we uncovered for cyclists, the most common unit for Power was watts for both Metric System and USCS users.


Privacy Settings Iterations

Screen Iterations


Featuring iOS

  • Quick and easy past date selection

  • Prominent ‘SAVE WORKOUT’ CTA

  • Real-time calculated stats by Activity Type

  • Removed picker for Distance field to allow for a quicker value input

  • Quick and visible Privacy Settings